Providing Corporate Governance Solutions
"insight to action"
Tom Bursey MBA, FCPA, FCMA, C. Dir., ICD.D
Tom is a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario and holds the designation of Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). He is a Fellow of the Society of Management Accountants of Canada and holds the designation of Fellow Certified Management Accountant (FCMA). He successfully completed the Executive Program at the Ivey School of Business (University of Western Ontario). Tom received the designation of Chartered Director (C. Dir.) from the Directors College at McMaster University and two specialized governance certifications: Audit Committee Certified (ACC) and Human Resources and Compensation Committee Certified (HRCCC). Tom is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors and is an Institute-Certified Director (ICD.D). He is also a member of the Canadian Society of Corporate Secretaries and Financial Executives International Canada.
Tom is an Honorary Life Member of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) and holds the designation of Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP). He also successfully completed the Advanced Program in Human Resources Management at the Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto). He co-led the creation and launch of the Human Resources Compensation Committee Certified Program at the Directors College (McMaster University). Tom is the only two-time recipient of the Vision Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Human Resources Profession.
Tom received his Honours Bachelor of Commerce (B. Comm. Hons.) and his Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees from Memorial University. He is the Founder and past Chair of the Affinity Newfoundland and Labrador Ottawa Dinner. In recognition of his contributions to Memorial University, Tom received the J.D. Eaton Alumni Award. |
Corporate Director
Tom currently serves as a Director and Chair of the Human Resources and Compensation Committee on the Board of C-CORE, a world leader in remote sensing, ice engineering, and geotechnical engineering. He is also a Director of LookNorth, a National Centre of Excellence for Commercialization and Research. He currently serves as a member on the Human Resources and Compensation Committee for the Society of Management Accountants of Ontario, as well as on Memorial University’s Faculty of Business Administration Advisory Board. Tom also served on a number of other Boards: he served as Director and Chair of the Board of CODE Inc. and as a Director and Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee; Chair of the Government Affairs Committee; and Chair of the CEO Search Committee for the Human Resources Professionals Association.
He is a Corporate Director with good governance expertise and a complete understanding of Board members’ roles and responsibilities in strategy and oversight. He has the financial literacy and audit committee experience to serve on Audit and Finance Committees, the human capital expertise to serve on Human Resources and Compensation Committees, and the governance experience to serve on Governance Committees
Tom co-led the creation and launch in 2007 of the Human Resources Compensation Committee Certified Program at the Directors College (McMaster University). This unique program provides insight into the role of the Compensation Committee in aligning an organization's human resources, HR processes and culture to its chosen business strategy. It is tailored to the needs of directors and senior corporate officers who want to learn how leading corporations apply the latest corporate governance principles, practices, and insights to their Human Resources and Compensation Committees. Tom is the founder (2001) and past Chair (2001-2012) of the Affinity Newfoundland and Labrador Ottawa Dinner. He has been a driving force behind one of the most successful alumni events in Memorial University's history. He has been a true supporter and friend of this university and has given his time generously over the years.
The Affinity Newfoundland and Labrador Ottawa Dinner annually brings together the business, government, academic, and cultural communities in Ottawa with an affinity to the University and Province. Today, there are four Affinity Newfoundland and Labrador Dinners across the country in Halifax, Ottawa, Toronto and Calgary. Together, alumni in those cities raise thousands of dollars in scholarships and support for current Memorial students. More information about the Affinity Dinners is available at: www.mun.ca |